Is the eDerm Systems product line Meaningful Use certified?
The eDerm Systems product line is currently Meaningful Use Stage 1 certified. We are currently working towards Meaningful Use Stage 2 certification.
Is the eDerm Systems product line cloud or server based?
The eDerm Systems product line is completely cloud based. The Practice Management and Revenue Cycle Management application are cloud based applications that run in Internet Explorer on Windows PC machines. The Electronic Health Records application is a native iPad application that communicates to the cloud for patient related data.
Does eDerm Systems support an electronic interface with my Lab?
We have lab interfaces to a number of labs, so please contact us to find out if we currently have an interface to your specific lab. Even if we don’t, we add new labs all the time, so please ask and we will negotiate with your lab to provide you with an electronic lab interface.
Will the iPad only work with the eDerm practice management and/or revenue cycle management system, or can I use any system I would like?
The iPad application is fully integrated with the eDerm Systems Practice Management system and the Revenue Cycle Management solution provider. If you would like to keep your current system, the iPad application can utilize an interface built by a third party called a bridge. A bridge can be used to get Practice Management data into the iPad, and to save Billing information into the Revenue Cycle Management system and support a large number of external systems. Please call to see if your Practice Management or Revenue Cycle Management system is supported by a bridge.
Can I get a login to the iPad application before I sign with eDerm Systems to try out the software?
We currently do not offer the ability to test the application unrestricted before a contract is signed. If you contact us for a demonstration, we can allow you to try out the application while we view the demo to ensure that we have the ability to answer any questions, or assist you with any navigation. We are available any day of the week, any time of the day to schedule a demonstration.
Are the scheduling templates customizable by physician and location?
Yes. The scheduling templates are based on location and physician and are customizable based on your practice needs.
Does the patient portal support self registration or payment features?
As part of the Meaningful Use Stage 1 certification, the eDerm Systems product line provides a Patient portal which supports patient access to their medical records only. No patient self registration or self payment options are available in the eDerm Systems patient portal, but we can interface to third party patient portal or self payment solutions for an integrated solution.
Does the Practice Management System support Dermatology specific patient management/scheduling for cancer recommended follow-ups time frames?
The eDerm Systems Practice Management System was written for Dermatology, thus the scheduling and patient management features are designed to manage cancer patient follow-ups. Schedule a Practice Management demonstration to see more of the Dermatology specific features.
Is there capability to file tertiary claims?
Yes. The system files claims electronically for primary, secondary and tertiary claims.
What is the first pass rate for your current clearinghouse claims?
The first pass rate with our current clearinghouse is 98%.