The eDerm Training Process
As a new user of a dermatology electronic medical records system, you’ll need some EMR training to help get you started. eDerm will make sure that you receive the EHR training you need to quickly learn your new web based patient management system. Our EHR implementation training will show you how to get the most from the powerful features built into your new medical iPad application.
Since you and your staff will be learning to use a new system, it is vital that you all participate in the EHR implementation training. eDerm provides both online and on-site EHR training, which should be completed prior to going live with eDerm Systems.
You’ll also be glad to know that at eDerm, the EMR training support continues even after you launch your new system. As new employees join the practice, we can provide online and webinar training to completely familiarize them with the eDerm web based patient management system.
eDerm Systems EHR implementation.
Kick Off:
- eDerm sets implementation target date
- The practice fills out the necessary forms
- Upon receipt of the forms, eDerm creates and establishes the practice in the system
- The practice reviews Recommended Hardware List and acquires and sets up hardware
- Bridge to Practice Management System is started
Training & Configuration:
- eDerm schedules training curriculum with the practice
- Training starts
- Courses are taught online with a live eDerm instructor
- Practice downloads the eDerm iPad application from the iTunes store
- eDerm issues User Name and Password to the practice eDerm administrator (practice owner chooses practice eDerm administrator from the practice’s senior staff).
- Practice tests its Internet connection
- During training eDerm teaches the practice how to set up the practitioner preferences
Go Live:
- On-line training concludes prior to optional on-site implementation
- Practice tests all equipment and Internet speed
- Optionally, eDerm arrives and stays at the practice for approximately 1 or 2 days of implementation
Wrap Up:
- eDerm introduces support team to the practice